Binghamton University Art & Design

ARTS 486
Special Studio Project: Computer Graphics

Carlotta Kane

A recent graduate of Binghamton University, working as a freelance Graphic Designer and Photographer. Currently located in Manhattan.

Design Portfolio
Photography Portfolio

Project 2: Response Visualization


Using Google Forms, composed a six question survey focused on emotional articulations and the expression of love.


Project 1: As We May Rethink

Memex Functional Specification

A flexible exploration of the functionality of an object, a functional specification can be elaborate or simple, depending on the levels of complexity within the object.

Functional Specification

Memex User Flow Diagram

A user flow diagram allows for the visualization of an interactive interface, showing the process that occurs as choices are made.

Memex User Illustration

First round technical illustrations.

Memex Advertisement

I intended my advertisement to work as a final exploration of the branding I had been working with prior. I hoped to have the fonts, colors and shapes remain consistent throughout all my pieces, allowing for a more cohesive final bundle.